AACSB Accreditation

Accreditation scope

• College of Business and Economics 

• Both male and female campuses are accredited

• All programs of CBE are accredited


AACSB Accreditation Standards (2013)

    1. Mission, Impact and Innovation
    2. Intellectual contributions: impact and alignment with Vision
    3. Financial strategies and allocation of resources
    4. Student admissions, progression, and career development
    5. Faculty sufficiency and deployment
    6. Faculty management and support
    7. Professional staff sufficiency and deployment
    8. Curricula management and assurance of learning
    9. Curriculum content
    10. Student-faculty interactions
    11. Degree program educational level, structure, and equivalence
    12. Teaching effectiveness
    13. Students’ academic and professional engagement
    14. Executive education (currently not applicable for CBE)
    15. Faculty qualifications and engagement


AACSB Accreditation Journey

 Accreditation time line
    o CBE applied for AACSB eligibility in February 2012
    o In March 2012, CBE became an eligible member of AACSB.
    o First visit of AACSB Mentor was conducted in December 2012
    o In June 2013, CBE’s standards alignment plan (SAP) was approved
    o The second visit of the Mentor was conducted in December 2013
    o The first progress report was submitted to AACSB in May 2014
    o Self-Evaluation Report (SER) was submitted to AACSB in June 2015
    o The Peer Review Team (PRT) of AACSB visited CBE in October 2015
    o CBE received AACSB Accreditation in November 2015!
 This journey has been full of learning, challenges, excitement, and hard work!


CBE Approach for Achieving AACSB Accreditation

AACSB accreditation is a mission driven accreditation that focus on how the business school can implement its mission in its different initiatives and process. To do so, CBE has developed its mission statement through a comprehensive strategy that engage all CBE’s stakeholders and uses the mission as a target that is known by all participants and implemented in all operations which helps CBE to draw its strategies and future operations in a systematic approach.

Also, CBE uses the three pillars of AACSB accreditation (Engagement-Innovation-Impact) as a theme for its daily and strategic operations, which led CBE to be an innovative business school by engaging different participants in the life of the school and by getting CBE engaged with the society and business community. This engagement led CBE to be more aware about the business needs and the strategies that can be implemented to fit those needs which help CBE in innovating its operations, teaching, learning and research continuously. This continuous innovation and improvement have resulted in producing high impact for CBE.

Highlights of CBE’s achievements

    o CBE is the first Business school in the MENA region to be accredited based on the new AACSB standards, based on the theme “Innovation, Engagement and Impact”.

    o CBE has earned this prestigious accreditation in just 3.5 years, which is a very rare achievement. 
    o CBE’s base room was highly appreciated by the AACSB Peer Review Team, and was recommended to be considered as a “best practice” in accreditation process
    o This journey toward accreditation has greatly transformed CBE’s culture, to bring more focus on the mission, and pursuit for innovation and quality!

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